Local Government Clients
JEC has extensive experience in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. Current and past clients are listed below.

Development of ICT Strategy
Working with Allerdale's ICT team JEC developed a new ICT Strategy which defined how ICT would support the Council in the future, breaking down the requirements into a series of manageable projects.
Subsequently JEC was commissioned to produce a professionally designed, illustrated document of the finalised strategy for publishing on Allerdale’s web site and for internal electronic distribution.
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IT Organisational Design
The London Borough of Camden was proposing to restructure its ICT function to deliver a modern high quality ICT service. We constructed a robust set of job families and job profiles to underpin the proposed structure. We were asked to carry out technical interviews of the candidates for the new posts.
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Due Diligence of IT systems
LBH has embarked on the implementation of its ICT strategy, which seeks to adopt customer-driven business design and data exploitation with the harmonisation of all of LBH’s data. We carried out due diligence the IT systems and software used by Hounslow Homes to identify the user of the systems, the interfaces between the systems and system functionality improvements. We made recommendations relating to user training and support and the benefits and risks of upgrading key systems.

Business Continuity Audit
We examined the Business Continuity plans as part of the County’s disaster recovery facilities following the failure of the Storage Area Network. We reviewed the Council’s current business continuity documentation, and interviewed a number of key staff with Business Continuity responsibilities. We made observations and recommendations on areas to be addressed based on best practice standards.
"It was really refreshing to work with a consultant who understands the challenges and could articulate some useful and practical suggestions for improvement- plus he offered useful advice even after the assignment had completed. I can fully recommend John's services, and would be happy to provide a formal reference on request"
Julie Goddard, Business Continuity Manager

IT Organisational Design
We reviewed the ICT capability and resources of ICT staff for a forthcoming merger between the County Council and the local Health Board and proposed a new organisational structure to improve ICT provision through greater use of shared resources.

Data Centre Review
We provided an independent expert to attend the sites and survey the facility condition and resilience of the Council’s two main data centres. We commented on the adequacy of existing data centre provision and whether they were ‘Fit for Purpose’. We identified key risks in relying on current provision and the enhancement or replacement of the data centres to the continued provision of reliable IT services.
JEC was subsequently commissioned to conduct an independent assessment of the potential of a new Data Centre.
"JEC undertook a data centre review, delivering a professional detailed report as requested on time and within budget."
Mark Jones, ICT Interim Service Delivery Manager

Project Management of EDRMS implementation
We managed the implementation of EDRMS Electronic Document Management and Records System (EDRMS) for Accounts Payable, HR and Children’s Social Care and managed a wide range of activities including:
- Requirements specification;
- Data cleansing and migration;
- Development and testing;
- Integration with line of business systems e.g. Frameworki;
- User training;
- Implementation and roll out.

Project Management of Smart Working project
We initially managed the ICT aspects of the Council’s Smart Working project, which is part of the Council’s Transformation programme. We identified synergies between people, property and technology workstreams and through their consolidation developed a more effective programme with more timely outcomes. Working closely with the Council’s IT service provider, We identified a number of Smart Working initiatives and obtained some quick wins in conferencing and Wi-Fi access. The adoption of Smart Working has enabled the Council to gain additional income from the release of surplus property.
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