Review and Development of Business Continuity Plans

Kingfisher plc

The Situation

Kingfisher is Europe's leading home improvement retail group and the third largest in the world, with leading market positions in the UK, France, Poland, Turkey and China. With over 830 stores across these countries a robust business continuity plan (BCP) was required to ensure maximum availability of critical operations throughout the group.

The Challenge

  • To undertake a review of the Kingfisher’s current Business Continuity plans against  the Business Continuity Management standard, and commercial best practice.
  • To enhance the guidance documentation for the operating companies to devise and test their own Business Continuity Plans.

The Solution

  1. Produced a high level document clearly identifying shortfalls against best practice and suggestions for improvement.
  2. Revised existing BCP documentation in line with BS25999 standard, addressing the gaps identified in his initial assessment.
  3. Redrafted existing documents to provide a coherent set of documentation to guide operating companies to develop their own Business Continuity Planning documents.
  4. Constructed a model for Risk Assessment and Business Impact Analysis based on Kingfisher Group’s common business processes. 

The Results

  • An overarching document that co-ordinated Kingfisher Business Continuity documentation and explained their purpose.
  • A Business Continuity Management Development Guide to assist Operating Divisions to develop a business continuity capability consistent with Kingfisher’s minimum requirements.
  • A model Business Continuity Plan to act as a template for Operating Divisions to develop their own Business Continuity Plans.
  • Guidance on testing and refining Business Continuity Plans
  • A Business Impact Analysis tool with guidance on how to record the findings of the consultations of risks and preparedness.
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